Luke on his work experience with SAZ MEDIA

Here at SAZ MEDIA we've been hosting work experience placements with those who would normally struggle to gain access to the work and the media industry.

Through Pure Innovations (a company supporting those with disabilities or health-related issues to live a fulfilling life with a sense of purpose and belonging.) We have supported Luke to visit us twice a week over 3 months to gain media skills and a feel for the working world.

In this video Luke tells us what his work experience has been like. For more information about what we can offer, please fill out the contact form.

Jake our Production Trainee writes in more detail about Lukes Work Experience here in Greater Manchester.

At the start of Lukes work experience we introduced him to Photography, which plays a big part here at what we do at SAZ MEDIA. He had not used cameras outside of what is on your phone so we went to the local park here in Salford and began letting him take photos of whatever, just so he could get used to the equipment but also have fun and not feel pressured to do an amazing job on his first try. After viewing the images we introduced him to a software that he can use to edit the pictures he had taken.

We then spent a few sessions getting Luke used to photoshop and later Lightroom, to build up his confidence with using the software. He began to create some really cool and unique posters, using a blend of his pre existing art skills and his new ones on photoshop.

After a bit of time we gave Luke a task to create some positive affirmation posters that we could possibly sell at a stall in the future. He started creating them from scratch which included looking at similar pieces of work online and drawing inspiration from them, then going out into the local area with a camera and snapping pictures of anything he thought would make a good fit, he brought the pictures back and edited them on Adobe Lightroom, and then to finish off he edited them further and added positive affirmation text to his posters on Photoshop, as a result he created some great work that he himself can take away and look at and hopefully feel proud of creating.

In his time here at SAZ MEDIA we also took Luke on a few photography and filming jobs that we had, so he could gain better insight into what we do when we are out of the office and so he could gain that experience of working as a team, and communicating with others that are not the people that he is used to. As Luke is someone with Autism he found the days when we were filming and photographing an insightful experience, and he did a really good job of stepping out of his comfort zone and learning from these experiences.